Friday, April 29, 2016

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Forum results

i created this forum for my friends, sadly i had to keep it PG. I will know i will use this in teh my future when i am when i need my friends to answer something. i created my forum at first i did it wrong because i asked questions that i could not graph. but then i remade this new one to make is so i can graph my results. i sent it to my friends and had them fill it out. i dont think most of them liked any of them.

Monday, April 25, 2016

music I Listen to while doing homework

homework is boring sometimes(surprise, surprise) so i really like to listen to music while doing my homework. Most of the time when i am at the computer i use my headphones but when i do homework i like to listen to it through my speakers.

Slide show of my Favorite heros of overwatch

I spent  a lot of time playing this game before it comes out and out of the 21 heros that blizzard have created i like them all but these are my favorite 13 put into a convenient slideshow.

What do you play?

What do you play on

This is poll i made where i ask the reader about how they like to play their video games

Overwatch video

This is video i made for class i didnt have the editing software i usually use so i had a hard time with it.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

New Tech

The Tesla car or should I say the electric car is one other most exciting things when I think about the future. right now we have cars that are polluting the air around us, electric cars can help fight that by not releasing anything into the air when they are driving around. Right now the best electric car is the Telsa but in recent news other companies are going to start making cars like the Telsa and making them cheaper. What I hope is that just like gasoline cars they when they were first created they were far too expensive for your average joe. As time went on they were easier to make causing them to be cheaper. These electric cars are very cool because each wheel is its own motor it can start and stop faster than most car along with that it can assist in people in driving when reactions might not be fast enough. as for the list of 3 others i liked